This guide has been tested on Ubuntu 18.04.
Among other distributions, commands, paths or settings may differ.  

QUIQQER can be installed using two methods: By terminal or by websetup. 

The console setup is primarily designed for experienced users.
As a rule the websetup should be used.

You can find instructions for each method below:

  • By Websetup - is launched in the browser and provides a graphical interface (recommended for editors)
  • By Terminal - only possible if you have console / bash access to the server (recommended for administrators)



The setup of QUIQQER can be downloaded from the following address:


After successfully downloading the setup, the contents of the archive can be unpacked and uploaded to the webspace via FTP.
Various programs can be used for this purpose. One of the best known is FileZilla


A database must be provided for QUIQQER to be able to run.

The root user should not be used for the database connection.

Please have the access data for the database ready for the installation.
This includes:

  • Host
  • port
  • User
  • user password
  • database name

File permissions

After the upload the file rights of the installation have to be adjusted.
The folder and the files must be writable by the web server.
Please check before the installation whether this is possible with your hosting provider.

Here you can find instructions for FileZilla


After all preparations have been made, you are ready to open up the address of your web space in your browser. You should then see a page that asks you for a language.



As mentioned above, you will be asked for a language in the first step.
This language will then be used as the default language for QUIQQER.


In the next screen you can choose which version of QUIQQER you want to install.


Here it is recommended to always select the newest version. You will also see two special cases here: two versions with the "dev-" prefix.
These are the active development branches of QUIQQER. These contain the latest changes, but may not be stable and should therefore not be used for productive use.

  • "dev-master" is the version in which only tested changes are imported.
  • "dev-dev", on the other hand, is the active development branch, which may also contain incomplete or insufficiently tested changes.


In the next window you will be asked for the wanted presets. Presets are certain default settings that QUIQQER can make for you. For example, these can contain the following:

  • The used template
  • Additional packages to be installed
  • The project name of the first project


Templates can also be provided, customized and shared by users. This makes it easier to quickly distribute multiple QUIQQER installations. Normally, however, the supplied templates are sufficient.

Tip: The provided templates can be adapted by pressing the small gear in the selection of the selected template.



The database connection is then defined by QUIQQER.


Here you enter the database data, which you have prepared in the preparation phase.

  • Database Driver: The driver which should be used for QUIQQER. Mostly this will be MySql.
  • Database Host: The host on which the database is running. Mostly "localhost", which means "database runs on the same server as QUIQQER".
  • Database Name: The name of the database to be used.
  • Table prefix: The table prefix is appended in front of each table used by QUIQQER, which allows you to run multiple QUIQQER instances in one database. If only one QUIQQER installation is planned in this database, the prefix can be left empty.
  • Database user: The user used to log on to the database system.
  • Database Password: The password of the above user.

Login / User

Almost done! Next we define the access data of the administrative user. You have to remember these data, because they become your access data to use QUIQQER.


Host & Paths

The last information you need to enter is the path information. These should already be filled in by QUIQQER.

Please check the correctness of the paths and proceed.

Changes should only be made by experienced users, as these settings can have a significant influence on the system!



Finally, you will be asked to accept the license terms. After you're done, you can start the installation and your own QUIQQER system should be available for you within minutes!

Terminal Setup

Quick command

Download and start the installation

This series of commands downloads, unpacks and starts the setup.
Please make sure that the archive is loaded into the current directory and unpacked.
So change to the correct directory before executing the command! Execute the command really only in the folder where QUIQQER should be installed

wget && tar -xvf quiqqer.tar && php setup.php

For Developers

wget && tar -xvf quiqqer.tar && php setup.php --dev


To install QUIQQER via console you need shell access to your server.
Now connect to your server via SSH and change to the directory where you want to install QUIQQER.

For this tutorial we assume that the LAMP stack (Linux,Apache,MySql,PHP) is completely set up.

Download & Unpack

The following commands can be executed to download and unpack QUIQQER.

These commands download and unpack QUIQQER in your current directory - without subfolders!
So change to the appropriate directory before execution. Ideally the ROOT directory of your web server or web server VHosts.

QUIQQER as .zip File


Or if zip is not installed on your server:

tar -xvf quiqqer.tar


QUIQQER requires a database.
This can be created with MySql. For this you can use the following commands:

First we start MySql:

mysql -u <benutzer> -p

If all goes well you will be greeted by the MySql shell.
This can be recognized by the mysql> at the beginning of the terminal input.

Now we first create a new database named quiqqer:


Then we create a new database user 'quiqqer':

CREATE USER 'quiqqer'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<passwort>';

Now that we have a user, we give him access to the database:

GRANT ALL ON quiqqer.* TO 'quiqqer'@'localhost';

Remember the data you just used for later.


After all preparations are finished you can start with the installation.
To do this, execute the following command in the QUIQQER root directory:

php setup.php

You should see the following message afterwards:

The setup will ask you a lot of information, some of these requests offer a default value. This is indicated by square brackets "[" & "]" around the default value. The default value is used when an empty entry is confirmed by the Enter key.


Please select a Language for the Setupprocess (de_DE/en_GB) : [de_DE]

Setup language

First you have to choose a language for the setup. By default, "de_DE" is selected, but you can also select "en_GB" to run the setup in English.

System check

After the language is selected, the setup will perform a system check to determine if QUIQQER can be used on this system.

If the setup cannot recognize certain prerequisites, a warning is issued. In this case, you should check yourself whether this prerequisite is fulfilled.

QUIQQER language

If the requirements are met, you can select the default language for QUIQQER.

Here you can enter the two-digit country code. For German this would be "de"

Version choice

In the following part you can select the version. Here you should always use the latest version. However, you also have the option to use the versions "dev-master" or "dev-dev".

  • dev-master: This is the current development version. It contains the latest changes, but can also be unstable.
  • dev-dev: This is the current development branch, which may also contain untested changes and should therefore only be used for development purposes


In the next window you will be asked for the wanted presets. Presets are certain default settings that QUIQQER can make for you. For example, these can contain the following:

  • The used template
  • Additional packages to be installed
  • The project name of the first project

After selecting of the preset you will be asked if you want to customize the preset. If this is the case, type "y" and enter the necessary information.


Now the input of the database details follows. The following details are required:

  • Database Driver: The driver which should be used for QUIQQER. Mostly this will be MySql.
  • Database Host: The host on which the database is running. Mostly "localhost", which means "database runs on the same server as QUIQQER".
  • Database Name: The name of the database to be used.
  • Table Prefix: The table prefix is appended before any table used by QUIQQER, allowing multiple QUIQQER instances to run in a database. If only one QUIQQER installation is planned in this database, the prefix can be left empty.
  • Database user: The user used to log on to the database system.
  • Database Password: The corresponding password of the above user.

Special features

  • If the specified database does not exist, QUIQQER can try to create the database.
  • If you select a database and prefix combination that is already in use, Setup can delete the entire database.

Administrative user

Once the database has been prepared, you can enter information about the administrative user.
This user will be used later as login to the Backend (administration area) and should therefore be remembered well.


Finally the paths can be configured. As a rule, the default values are sufficient here.

  • Domain: The host under which QUIQQER should be reachable: The host under which QUIQQER should be reachable. Example: QUIQQER
  • QUIQQER root directory: Absolute path to the directory where QUIQQER will be installed.
  • URL directory: The path to the host in the URL. Example: /quiqqer/ for

If the paths are set correctly, the setup can start and within a few minutes your QUIQQER system is ready to use.